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European Portuguese as a Foreign Language
Intended for young and adult students of level B2/C1 Portuguese, Histórias de Bolso is composed of 21 narrative texts by contemporary Portuguese-speaking authors, annotated to assist reading.
Passaporte para Português 2 is a Portuguese as a Foreign Language teaching method aimed at teenagers and adults who wish to acquire Portuguese language skills corresponding to CEFR level B1.
Livro concebido para trabalhar de forma sistematizada a compreensão oral, com exercícios dinâmicos e variados, numa perspetiva de evolução na aquisição da língua.
This book features clear explanations and practical application of the main grammatical structures of Brazilian Portuguese at A1, A2 and B1 levels.
This introduction to CEFR level A1 is intended for those newly arrived in the country who wish to get familiar with the language in different social interaction situations.
This book features clear explanations and practical application of the main grammatical structures of Brazilian Portuguese at intermediate and advanced levels.
Same method, future values! 10 years of success for a fast, effective and confident communication. Updated for the contemporary world: more representativeness, good conduct, new celebrities.
Português em Foco 3 é o terceiro de um conjunto de manuais dirigidos a adolescentes e adultos aprendentes de PLE. Tem como objetivo a aquisição e uso de competências comunicativas no quotidiano.

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LIDEL – Edições Técnicas, Lda. – Rua D. Estefânia, 183, R/c Dto. – 1049-057 Lisboa – Portugal